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Dallas Truck Accident Attorney

Standard passenger cars are heavier and larger than commercial trucks. A collision with an 18-wheeler could result in more serious injuries and longer-term consequences than a collision with two cars. Drivers in the Lone Star State are particularly at risk. In one year, 5,222 Texas vehicles were involved in fatal truck crashes. This is more than 13 percent of all national totals.

You or a loved one have been in an accident involving a large truck. These accidents can be devastating. Tate Law Offices, P.C. is here to assist you. We have the experience, skills, and resources to handle any large rig accident case in Dallas.

We can help you immediately if you contact us with all the details about your case. It is in your best interests to act quickly to protect your rights after an 18-wheeler crash. We will immediately dispatch a team to the accident site to preserve and document crucial evidence, so don't hesitate to contact us. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us immediately for your truck accident case.

To get a free case evaluation, call us or complete our online contact form. We do not charge legal fees unless you win compensation.

This post was written in 21 MAY 2022

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